Liter to Gallon / Litre to Gallon calculator

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Liter to Gallon Calculator
(Litre to Gallon)

United States, United Kingdom, Australia




Gallon: 0.0000



Liter to Gallon / Litre to Gallon Calculator instructions

The Liter to Gallon / Litre to Gallon Calculator was written as a simple calculator to enable people to easily convert from liters to gallons. The Liter to Gallon / Litre to Gallon Calculator provides the option to select the country as United States of America, United Kingdom or Australia. The volume of a gallon in the United States is different from the volume of a gallon in the UK and Australia.

The spelling liter is used in the Liter to Gallon / Litre to Gallon calculator and is the spelling used in the United States. The spelling used in the United Kingdom and Australia is litre.


Interesting facts

Liters versus litres 

There is no difference in the volume of liter to litre. The only difference is the spelling used in each country.

Conversion factors. 

The conversion factors used in the Liter to Gallon / Litre to Gallon calculator are:

3.785411784 liters to 1 US gallon
4.54609 litres to 1 UK/Australian gallon

Volume of liquid changes with temperature 

It should be kept in mind the volume of a type of liquid is defined at a given temperature. As the temperature changes the volume changes.

Common liter to gallon conversions

1 liter to gallons
2.5 liters to gallons
2.7 liters to gallons
3.5 liters to gallons
4 liters to gallons
6 liters to gallons
7 liters to gallons
8 liters to gallons
9 liters to gallons
10 liters to gallons
12 liters to gallons
15 liters to gallons
18 liters to gallons
19 liters to gallons
20 liters to gallons
21 liters to gallons
25 liters to gallons
30 liters to gallons
42 liters to gallons
50 liters to gallons
60 liters to gallons
70 liters to gallons
75 liters to gallons
80 liters to gallons
90 liters to gallons
100 liters to gallons
120 liters to gallons
200 liters to gallons
500 liters to gallons
600 liters to gallons
1000 liters to gallons
10000 liters to gallons


The Liter to Gallon / Litre to Gallon Calculator comes with no warranty expressed or implied. The Liter to Gallon / Litre to Gallon Calculator is only for informational purposes and is not guaranteed to be error free. The information on this page is not intended to be advice.


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